experience journey

On desired

location and dates



Private solo journey

Embrace yourself in the mountains

Experience deep inner transformation

Reconnect with your destiny



We will carefully select a mountain area which aligns with your desires for the journey and transformation.


The combination of exploring nature and your inner world at the same time is magical. I’m sure I will join in on another Splinkyourlife journey!  – Menno, participant expand your boundaries

You are on your path

in every moment

in stillness

in movement


your path

with grace

this will bring you peace

along your way


in and out

your view

map your mountains

your valleys

your destinies

where you came from

where you want to go


you can go anywhere

just take it step by step

be your own guide

honor your intuition

know by feeling

the centre of your destiny

lays in your heart

Alma Ori Caloe




Costumized program

Compiled in consultation of; 

transformation sessions, hiking, yoga, 

breath work, ‘mountain baths’, 

meditation, intuitive readings 



mountain journey

In a specially for you

selected quiet & magical

mountain area


mountain &

transformation guide

Alma Ori Caloe has divergent

knowledge about transformation,

nature, health  consciousness

Balance of

me-time and



The program balances

conscious interaction with yourself

with heart-centered

conversations & transformation 

sessions with your guide

Alma Ori Caloe


& food


7 nights in a suitable

accommodation the area offers

for your transformation.

7 breakfasts, lunches & diners



Physical advice

& packing list


equipment present

 Gifted by arrival


Depending on request

starting from €2228,- 




For your private mountain dream journey we will determine together which mountain area will suit you.

I have experience in different mountain area’s and know some area’s in the Alps very well. 

Based on what you intuitively feel what you would like to experience and what kind of mountain area you feel drawn to I will offer you a few suggestions to choose from as your destiny for the journey.


The journey will offer you a profound complementairy program, enhancing your personal transformation. 

The journey will offer space for all, by my so called transformation processes; healing, exploring, experiencing and evolving.

Depending on your state of being one or two of these processes will get a main focus on your journey.

  • During our preparation call I will 
  • We wake up with an easy meditation & yoga sequence
  • Then we have a small Italian breakfast in the mountain hut
  • After that we pack our backpacks and leave the mountain hut; starting our hiking day
  • On the way we have breaks with; second breakfast, lunch, breath session, swimming in refreshing tarns & relaxing
  • In the afternoon we arrive at the mountain hut, where you have ‘me-time’
  • Depending on the hut we stay we have dinner at 19.30 or 20.00
  • After dinner and before bedtime we have an evening meditation



Make a beautiful round trip through the mountains.

 The route has a nice build up in such a way that the hikes in the beginning of the week are shorter, so our bodies can get into the hiking. Then we have some days where the hikes are longer. But still very doable in a day, where we will have plenty of time for breaks.

We are on our way the whole day, enjoying nature. As a guide I always keep an eye on the weather. WHen there are predictions the weather will change in the afternoon, we will have shorter breaks to be on time in the hut.

We leave the mountain hut around 9.00 and arrive at the next hut at around 16.00



Meditation is an integrated part of the morning sessions with some breath excersizes as well as the yoga

In the evening after diner before bedtime I guide an intuitive evening meditation


I prefer to integrate yoga into the program  as a morning session, as yoga gives you the possibility to start your day in a good way for mind, body and spirit.

Each session includes a little meditation moment, pranayama and after that physical movement.

I adjust the session to where you are in your yoga practice. 


I prefer to integrate yoga into the program  as a morning session, as yoga gives you the possibility to start your day in a good way for mind, body and spirit.

Each session includes a little meditation moment, pranayama and after that physical movement.

I adjust the session to where you are in your yoga practice. 


This journey is suitable for you when you have a slightly higher than average health condition according to your age.

 We take time for the hiking and take enough rest on the way. We will be in physical motion, but will not be in a hurry. Though some days are a serious hiking day.

You carry your own backpack which will be between 10-12 kg. Whenever you have doubts if your physical condition is sufficient enough, please contact me. So we can determine if the journey is a fit for you.



Mountain huts have a special mountain hospitality, they provide a safe accommodation for the night.  Expect a familiar atmosphere where you are been taken care of with a bed and nourishing mountain food.

The common thing in every mountain huts is that everybody dines together at the same time. This brings a very cosy atmosphere in the dining room. Feeling connected with all people who hiked up the mountains to reach the hut.

Breakfast is served between a specific time.

Mountain huts have different sizes of sleeping rooms. Varying from 6 to 20 persons per room. It depends on the hut where we are sleeping how the families will be divided in the sleeping rooms. Usely we share two or three sleeping rooms all together. We can arrange the constellation in the hut together. 


When you prefer a mountain journey where you will not sleep all nights in a mountain huts.

For example because you prefer to do day hikes and stay for a couple of nights or the whole week at one place, we will find a suitable accomodation to your needs.


The diet depends on the location you choose.

Whenever you have any specific diet wishes, please let me know. I intent to arrange what is possible. Though it is good to know, in mountain huts they have limited ingredients (due to be provided by helicopter).


During breakfast you will be served either a tea or coffee.

During the hikes, we will have breaks where I pop out my burner to make tea, coffee or soup.

At diner water is included. When you drink something else it is on your own account.




When you book you will recieve a supporting packing list to prepare yourself for this journey. The items are divided in essential & optional.

A good preparation will bring you ease and comfort on the journey 🙂



Depending on your chosen location you will receive advice how to travel to the start location of the journey 

DAY 1 - start of the journey

On this day we meet and align ourselves to the intention of your journey. 

You will get the last guidance how to pack your backpack sufficient and comfortable.

Depending on the location and the customized journey we start hiking this or the next day.  

DAY 2 - 8 - the journey

From day 2 to 8 we submerge ourselves in the mountains, away from civilization and most of the time without digital connection.

DAY 8 - end of the journey

On day eight we descend out of the mountains, to slowly get back and adjust to habited world again

You will be guided by how to integrate your experience as well how to transition yourself back to your life in a valuable way. Making sure you will make the desired changes in your life.


All luggage not necessary to take into the mountains can stay safely in the accommodation we leave, before heading into the mountains.


The journey will take place on indicated hiking paths. Most travel insurances cover this activity normally, just check it with your insurance policy.


The mountain area were we hike has low reception. Therefor this journey gives you the perfect opportunity to detach from your phone and the digital world. Connecting with yourself and nature 🙂



100% deposit refund for cancellation 60+ days before journey start date.

75% deposit refund for cancellation – 30-60 days before journey start date.

50% deposit refund for cancelation –  15-29 days before journey start date

0% deposit refund for cancellation 0-14 days before journey start date.



When you book this journey you agree to be clear about your health condition. This doesn’t mean you have to share your whole medical history.

Just share anything what is needed for the guides of the journey to guide you in a safe way. Things necessary to share are; current or past injuries (which can carry out during hiking. Illnesses which can affect your ability of being active. As well as fears or mental challenges you experience, which might come to the surface while hiking.

Know we will handle your medical information with care and confidentiality.



When you book this journey you and your family members agree to follow up instructions when needed along the way of our journey.

The hiking paths we are following are well maintained and good to follow. Nevertheless we will have some terrain where we need to pay attention on our movement. Here you will get guidance of the guides, to climb up or descend down safely.


Connect deeply with yourself in nature